
Care Days providing cancer patients the opportunity of being pampered free of charge for a morning


My name is Andrew Lauder, ex Chairman of St Michael’s Hospice Charity. 
In 2020 in the Paphos District, 576 patients were diagnosed with cancer. I was one of the very lucky ones, because after 12 months of immunotherapy I am in remission.

I want to give something back to those less fortunate than myself, so thanks to some very, very generous sponsors, I have founded Care Days© to enable cancer patients in the Paphos District and in some cases their partners,
the opportunity of being pampered FREE of charge for a morning and to 

“ Live the Dream!”

We offer a great choice of Care Days© options to around 300 cancer patients a YEAR and to those recently bereaved through cancer. We have raised an incredible €18k in services offered to Cancer patients free of charge. 

Care Days© was launched on Viva FM Radio in mid May 2021, thanks to the most generous support offered by Dave Asher of Viva FM Radio and Charlotte Hadjikyriacou (Graphic & Website Designer); we had our first patients enjoying Care Days© from the beginning of June 2021. 

The Care Days© project would never have got started without encouragement and support from Viva FM who have been supporting Care Days© from day one. 

Because it looked as though my dream of getting a 5 star beachfront hotel to sign up for giving day passes to Cancer patients was not going to happen for a while as they were not open, my friends Markos, Yiannoula and Elena and family from Markos MY Hair Salon and Beauty Salon by Elena told me that they thought Care Days© was a great idea, and they wanted to help get me started without hotels!

The Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort next kindly agreed, as did the Elysia Breeze all day lounge bar, followed by the fantastic Care Days sponsors on Viva Radio: Markos MY Hair Studio and Beauty Salon by Elena, Centroptical Opticians, GLI Ioannides Honda, Martika's Kitchen, and the Amphitheatre Cafe. Then Charlotte (Graphic & Website Designer)  agreed to handle the design and administration, and great support from Cancer Patient's Support Group, Daryl Fitzgerald, Paphos Post, Cathi Delaney, Dr Christalla Philippou and nurses at the Evangelismos Cancer Ward and of course Dave Asher at Viva Radio and Gabriella for translating our leaflet into Greek. This has made the Care Days© Project really take off.


Andrew Lauder
Founder of Care Days©

Jenny Sweetlove

Charlotte Hadjikyriacou
Administrator & Graphic Designer