"Dear Mr Andrew & Team
I love this Paphos Post editorial. It covers so many amazing stories and inspires the reader to donate generously to help such a benevolent cause as stated in the principles of the Care Days Dreams.
Anyone reading this editorial wants to get involved and wants to be on this magical carpet. The carpet ride is magical since it strives to reach distant shores, such as the beautiful Cape Town, located in South Africa.
It leaves a magic trail as it sparks and lights the galaxy up. As it steers its way through the various challenges ,the magic wand sprinkles it magical dust to all that is on that route ,As the magical dust is blown far and wide it touches the beauty that lies within our hearts .Once this spark ignites with those it impacts they become part of the ultimate circle of love, hope and compassion for all cancer patients ..
Thank you Care Days for the awesome work you do!
Wishing you joy over the Festive period.
Abeda Steenkamp"
Social Services Manager of our CANSA colleagues in South Africa
Testimonial from two guy British gentlemen who recently met Andrew Lauder....
"After a recent trip to Cyprus, we had the privilege of meeting Andrew and Jenny, an incredibly inspiring couple who shared an awe-inspiring story about their remarkable charity care days. Andrew’s narrative deeply resonated with us, particularly given our recent experience living with loved ones who have battled cancer and witnessed first hand the profound impact of charities like Care Days on individuals in need.
Andrew’s passion for the transformative power of wishes in people’s lives truly moved us. Inspired by their story, we decided to support them and eagerly anticipate joining Andrew and all the dedicated supporters in participating in the upcoming 5km walk early next year. We are also honored to represent the UK by raising funds for their charity through our efforts.
However, we recognise that our commitment extended beyond just the participation. On February 15th, a small group of us will embark on an extraordinary challenge - we will walk 100,000 steps in a single day! This remarkable feat is equivalent to walking two marathons or covering an astonishing 85 kilometers. All the funds raised will be dedicated to supporting their charity care days.
Stephen and I have pledged to ensure that this event raises a minimum £1000, with all funds going towards Care Days. We are filled with excitement as we anticipate the impact of this money on the lives of those in need. We firmly believe in the mission of this charity and are committed to making a positive difference. If you are able to support them, please do so in the name of those who truly need it."
Dear Andrew & Team
"After a recent trip to Cyprus, we had the privilege of meeting Andrew and Jenny, an incredibly inspiring couple who shared an awe-inspiring story about their remarkable charity care days. Andrew’s narrative deeply resonated with us, particularly given our recent experience living with loved ones who have battled cancer and witnessed first-hand the profound impact of charities like Care Days on individuals in need.
Andrew’s passion for the transformative power of wishes in people’s lives truly moved us. Inspired by their story, we decided to support them and eagerly anticipate joining Andrew and all the dedicated supporters in participating in the upcoming 5km walk early next year. We are also honoured to represent the UK by raising funds for their charity through our efforts.
However, we recognise that our commitment extended beyond just the participation. On February 15th, a small group of us will embark on an extraordinary challenge - we will walk 100,000 steps in a single day! This remarkable feat is equivalent to walking two marathons or covering an astonishing 85 kilometers. All the funds raised will be dedicated to supporting their charity care days.
Stephen and I have pledged to ensure that this event raises a minimum £1000, with all funds going towards Care Days. We are filled with excitement as we anticipate the impact of this money on the lives of those in need. We firmly believe in the mission of this charity and are committed to making a positive difference. If you are able to support them, please do so in the name of those who truly need it."
“The last two years have been very difficult as in April 2022, my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer and had chemotherapy, but thankfully he has made a full recovery. He was treated at St George’s Hospital and that is where I first learned about the Care Day packages. Unfortunately 2 months later I got diagnosed with breast cancer and had chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy. My treatments were all carried out in Nicosia so it was exhausting for a year. Cancer takes a lot out of you and definitely changes you.
Back in March, totally out of the blue, I got an email from Care Days which actually made me cry, happy tears. I couldn’t believe the generosity of Andrew and his team and why on earth pick me? I was awarded a Care Days Dream thanks to Helen Charles Salon, and we decided we would go to Chania for a few days. This actually made my husband cry as we just felt it was way too much as Care Days also got us a voucher to use at a beautiful 5* Hotel with lunch and drinks included. It was absolutely fantastic and I even managed to do an aqua aerobics class which was great fun. It’s a beautiful hotel and they looked after us so well. We can never thank you enough for your generosity. We loved every bit of it. We were treated so well by everyone.
We kept having to pinch ourselves and say we don’t deserve this but we did both have cancer and my treatments went on for a long time, sometimes every day up to Nicosia and sometimes every week Now it's every 6 months.
We will never forget what Care Days did for us.
Thank you so much Andrew, Jenny and Charlotte, you are truly dream makers.” Mrs.W
"Thanks to the lovely people at care days yesterday we spent a relaxing day at the Annabelle hotel, feeling special and above all, knowing that we have fabulous people like Andrew, Charlotte and all the team who truly do all they can to pamper us and make us feel loved! I can't describe the joy you have brought to our lives! May God bless you always and keep you safe and healthy."
"Andrew, Jenny and all the Dream Team have been more than caring and supportive these past years, enabling us to live our dreams, be pampered, loved and feeling that we belong. We have just come back from beautiful Crete, where we were able to relax and forget about our everyday problems, everything was fabulous!!!! You have become more than family to us and from the bottom of my heart I pray that God blesses you all for all the wonderful things you do for us"
Ms L.P
"When we discovered Care Days we were not sure what to think - a bit nervous and I suppose suspicious because people like this just do not exist.
Well we were wrong and we found out that Andrew and Jenny and Charlotte were our guardian angels.
Just when we thought our world had collapsed and everything looked grim Care Days offered us some respite from the horrible world Tony’s diagnosis had led us in to.
A meal out, a day relaxing at a beach hotel, pampering session at the salon was lovely - we would not have done that for ourselves as it seemed so trivial and selfish but Care Days were right - it was just what we needed - quality time away from medical discussions - time to be “normal”.
However the best was yet to come and through Care Days and David and Cathy Jon and The Winkles, Tony’s dream came true. He was desperately low and missing our son and wanted nothing more than to see him and his dream was to play a round of golf with him - father and son together Finances were tight and with all the will in the world I could not give this to him and Nick could not fly to Cyprus at that time.
We were over the moon and to say the least shocked when Care Days used their contacts and made Tony’s dream come true and we returned to U.K. and they had their round of golf - we didn’t know that this was also our son Nick's wish - so Care Days made 3 people very happy and a memory we will never forget.
Finally Care Days has not just been about actions or one off treats but the emotional support Andrew and Jenny and Charlotte have given us (patient and carer) has been beyond words. They have been there during the darkest times when Tony felt there was no use carrying on - but knowing someone else was thinking of him, knowing he mattered and being there gave him the strength he needed. For Tony it was important to know I was “looked after” and I have definitely felt this with Andrew and Jenny. They have not forgotten us and are definitely life long friends.
In the beginning I told Andrew they were our “Angels on earth” and this view has never changed. I will always be grateful for what they have done for us - their involvement in our lives has given Tony the strength to carry on and for me that is something I can never repay or thank them enough.
People need to remember there are good and kind people in the world and we were lucky to have met some through Care Days"
“Care Days Saved my life and gave me hope. Over the last 6 months Care Days have supported so many individuals like myself and my family and they truly care about the people and families that come into their lives. Their emotional support is invaluable when hope is lost. Care Days offers a chance to enjoy different social events and relaxation whilst people continue their fight against their disease. The emotional support allows people to know they are not alone and their families have somewhere to turn when things get rough or even when good news needs to be shared as they know Andrew and Jenny and Charlotte care. I genuinely cannot thank Andrew enough! “ Mr. D
“So when my parents told me that Care Days had arranged for me and my dad to see Nottingham Forest v Manchester Utd I was absolutely shocked. Firstly because I’d assumed that when they were in the UK the support would end and they’d wish each other well and part ways, and secondly that getting Forest tickets at the time was next to impossible. Words cannot describe how much the Care Days Team’s actions, help, and support have meant to me and my family.” Nick
Just last week, another double cancer patient who also lost her husband to cancer, wrote:
“The support Care Days has given me after my own diagnoses and losing the love of my life has been immeasurable and helped me to achieve greater inner peace. “ Mrs. W
Please accept our most sincere thanks for your support.
Sincerely Yours
Dr. Popi Kanari
Minister of Health"
"Dear 'Dream Team'
Thank you so very much. This news brought tears to my eyes - tears of joy. No words can really express my gratitude and I know my stepdaughter will say the same. The cancer journey is long, arduous and often lonely making what you lovely people at Care Days do...... priceless."
The smile on the face of a patient who is about to fly to the UK to have his Care Days Dream come true.
July 5th 2023 and the journey begins to make T's dream come true and play golf with his son.
This would not be possible without the support from Care Days, their sponsors and friends.
After a difficult start with delays and some assistance needed we finally arrived in U.K. and at our sons house. I thought emotions were high before and during the trip but nothing could prepare me for that initial meeting - hugs, smiles and yes, some tears.
Over the next couple of days we met family and close friends - sharing memories and laughs. Tiring but worth it
The weather was great and everything was going well.
July 8th came and the much awaited round of golf. Our son had booked a nice course suitable including a buggy. They were all set up.
Dark clouds and a few spots of rain did not dampen their spirits
Some good and not so good shots but overall it was never about the longest drive or the closest putt but spending precious time together.
Father and son share the same dry sense of humour and the laughter was infectious
I could not say who had the biggest grin as they both enjoyed each other’s company and the closeness of just being together doing something they both love
However after 13 holes the course was closed due to a heavy thunder and lightning storm and although they both tried to carry on for another hole it was not possible and the game ended
They decided it was a draw but my husband had already decided he had won before the game began, as he was playing golf with his son and he felt good.
Even though it was not a full round the conversations and memory making will last forever - every shot, every putt recorded to memory
Our son told me it was as if his own dream had come true - not just the golf but spending time with his Dad and being able to help him emotionally and practically at close range.
The smiles say it all.
With Care Days, Dreams really can come true.
On the 10th we returned back to Cyprus - exhausted but very happy
This proves that being positive and reaching for your dreams can be just as good as any treatment
This experience shows that there are angels on this earth that care and go out of their way to make a difficult situation easier or more bearable
Nobody will ever take away what those 5 days gave us and our son.
We wouldn’t have been able to do it without support from Care Days and their team, including friends and sponsors
My gratitude will always be for the smiles and bond seen between 2 people I love dearly
Thank you Andrew and Jenny, Charlotte, David and Cathi and Jon and the Winkle Club - you are truly Angels xxx
This is from our son to Care Days.
"When my Dad told me his ‘wish’ was to spend time with me, and Care Days were going to support him with this, I was elated. I speak regularly on the phone to my parents but there’s no substitute for face to face contact. Let alone spending time on a golf course with him! Seeing him at this point in his diagnosis, and seeing the positivity he has at the moment has been really inspiring. But I think a lot of that is because even at 84, he had been surprised by the empathy, understanding, and compassion people have for him. Seeing him this happy and being able to spend time with him has given me some memories I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to create without the support of Care Days. I’m incredibly appreciative of everything Care Days and sponsors have done for my family, from the bottom of my heart, thank you."
"Just want you to know that we have just been for the experience with Marko and goodness me what a pleasure
Everyone was lovely - had a good laugh - and of course the end product was lovely
By the way he wouldn’t take any payment for mine but I did explain Tony was the main man but he insisted - how nice is that xxx
He mentioned you had been in this morning and we of course were singing the praises of Care Days
Definitely somewhere we will visit frequently as it is a lovely place and so professional x
Thank you again Care Days
Also things are getting very exciting here as the dream trip is almost with us xxx"
“What a lovely day we had at the beautiful Annabelle Hotel thanks to Care Days. It was so nice to see my husband relax and we had the chance to have a positive talk in such lovely surroundings. Thank you."
Mrs. C
“I have cried enough for both of us today which is why seeing your info about Care Days in the Paphos Post was so amazing. Yes today was another moment of hopes being dashed. The phone call that was supposed to make everything ok made it worse. I will definitely look on the Care Days site again and I do feel this information has come at the right time - having something to look forward to when we are so shattered (worry and loss of sleep) is a wonderful feeling. Thank you again and yes we will try to keep smiling and stay strong."
Mrs. D
"I will definitely look on the site again and I do feel this information has come at the right time - having something to look forward to when we are so shattered (worry and loss of sleep) is a wonderful feeling."
Mrs D.
April 2023
Thank you so much for extending your offer to us. ”
A & J
September 2022
“Thank you so much for my treatment I felt very special thank you all at the Markos MY Hairdresser and Beauty Salon by Elena and thank you Care Days for arranging my lovely day.
God bless GG”
September 2022
"Just wanted to say a big thank you for my care day. The Elysia Breeze breakfast was lovely and the staff were great.
"In between my mum's therapies, we were happy to enjoy a lovely breakfast together at the Elysia Breeze. Thanks to Andrew and the great CareDays team, we've spent some quality time together away from the daily routine. Such a great initiative and organisation. Keep up the great work and spread kindness! Thank you :)"
April 2022
"I was totally amazed to win the competition - I never win anything!
So today I have been totally pampered due to your continued generosity. A relaxing hair treatment and styling this morning followed by a very enjoyable afternoon choosing a new dress set off by amazing makeup from the lovely Judith at Revival. Tonight it's out for dinner with my sister to show off my new look!
I am at a bit of a low ebb at the moment but this perfect day has raised my spirits and I feel very lucky and much more positive.
Thank you again!"
Shirley - January 2022
'Caredays is a praiseworthy initiative that we are certain will be appreciated by many individuals with cancer and caregivers alike'.
October 2021
"Of course everyone loves to be pampered but there are moments in our life when you need it even more. For example, when you get through really devastating periods fighting with cancer or having lost a beloved one due to cancer. That's why I strongly believe "What Care Day's is doing, is something amazing. I've got through both of those dark periods and I can say that spending half a day not thinking bad, but just relaxing, was a balsam for my body and my soul."
"Sometimes something comes along, hits you hard and changes your quality life. But if you have a little look around the corner with a smile something or someone will brighten your day such as Care Days."
Ms S - September 2021
"Made us appreciate life and want us to live life to the full and do not take life for granted, this is not a rehearsal."
"I feel blessed to have the most wonderful treatment from the team at the German Oncology Center and the team at Pasykaf who have supported me both medically and mentally. The emergence of Care Days and their wonderful options to choose from, is the icing on the cake. Well done to Andrew, his team and all the supporters. "
"FROM LITTLE ACORNS LARGE OAK TREES GROW . What dedication you have put In. I am so pleased for you seeing it come fruition."
"HEY! Just looked at the website ------ GREAT JOB! I wrote an e-mail @ the site ---- hope you may be able to see it !!
July 2021 - Ms S
"Thank you for organizing and providing us with a very enjoyable breakfast experience.
Inside, the cathedral ceiling towers above the well stocked bar and restaurant whilst outside it is a haven of peace and tranquillity.
To the side of the Elysia Breeze, in the outside sheltered eating area, no less than 20 fountains play endlessly, whilst at the end of the outside dining area, another 15 jets alternate the water flow like a dance, with a further cascade in the same peaceful pool.
The owner, Iakovos and his partner welcomed us and the lovely, smiling staff made us feel very welcome.
The Elysia Breeze really is a little oasis of peace, and you should take the time to walk round the two lovely infinity pools, although they are for residents of the complex only.
The breakfast was a nice English breakfast and the Cava was a lovely, dry Bottega Gold.
A great place to visit for breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a coffee or a drink. "
Mr & Mrs A - June 2021